Charlie Peyton - 24 - Aug12 - 5'10 - M
Charlie is usually seen as creepy and disgusting by a lot of people, and gets ridiculed and judged for how he looks and dresses. He spends majority his time either hanging out with his friends (Schlatt, Ted, Wilbur, etc...) or clinging onto Dream. Charlie intentionally provokes Dream or people who don't like him in hope for them to degrade or humiliate him (spoiler alert: it rarely works). He is extremely prone to niceness and will immediately fall in love with anyone who is slightly nice to him.
Charlie has a hard time expressing himself emotionally because of his difficult upbringing. To some people, he may seems hedonistic, but he is very caring towards the people he likes. The only time he ever really hated someone for bullying him was George
One special aspect of him is that he has the tendency to smile no matter most circumstances and situations if he is near the person that he really likes.
- Psychology & Chemistry
- Has very obvious track marks on his left arm that he hides behind his hoodie
- Loves the taste of strawberries
- Is extremely bad at suppressing his sexual desires
- Allergic to cats
- Scared that he may lose his vision in the future
- Works as a part-time dog walker
- Has the same birthday as Dream
- Likes to collect novelty mugs (Actually has an entire mug collection hidden inside his dresser)
- Despite what his majors are, he is also very interested in entomology and absolutely adores bugs
- Despises rats