George Patterson - 26 - Nov1 - 6'1 - M

George is easily described as a tormentor whilst also being what Nick likes to call a "tsundere". He enjoys shoving people and starting unnecessary fights just for the fun of it and is usually seen being extremely rude to everyone outside his friend groups, but slightly softens whenever he talks to someone he likes (e.g. Ponk, Luke, Dylan,...).
George only really let down his guard whenever he talks to Nick or Willow, but still refuses to express his emotions whenever he's with them, only sometimes accidentally slipping up.
In fact, being raised by an abusive father figure and being in a toxic relationship have affected his views on things drastically as his views are often old-fashioned and self-detesting, if not unfair towards his own sex. He believes that it's stupid for guys to express any kind of feminine emotions such as sadness and dejection and that anyone who expresses those emotions deserves to be ridiculed. And yet he still would only torment those who aren't his friends.

- Computer engineering

- Still wears the letterman jacket that Nick gave to him back in highschool
- Can hotwire a car
- Collects pogs from chip bags
- Scroll through 2chan & 4chan whenever he's bored
- Has severe protanopia (red-green colourblindness)