Karl Patterson - 24 - Jul19 - 5'11 - M
Karl is the extremely sensitive and cowarded religious boy that hides behind other people when he gets in trouble or gets yelled at.
He often goes on pointless rants about his family and his relationship with George, his views on things are extremely narrowed and close-minded as his strange relationship with Christianity can be tied back to his father who coerced him into joining the religion.
Despite his timid personality, he is extremely envious of Tina & Macey for their femininity and wishes he was born as a girl instead, but his thought on this is always inconsistent as he thinks it's insulting for Wilbur to assume that he was a girl and believe for it to be sinful for him to want to be something that he isn't
He is usually seen hanging all by himself and sometimes Wilbur (who is a family friend).
- Religious studies
- Is extremely interested in guns and trap making
- Often doodles swirls on his notepads
- Soft-spoken and very clumsy
- Was one of the choir boys back in middle school
- Likes to scrapbook