Dylan Bluu - 22 - Jun27 - 5'8 - M

Dylan is the laid back student who can only be found in frat parties and his own house (which is a few hours away from the college)
He is always seen wearing his green frog hat on every occasions possible. In his free time, he practices playing guitar and collects random insects like snails and slugs to feed to the frogs that he keeps in a big sanctuary outside his house. He has a strange fear of real life girls and often avoids them as much as he can, but only plays off that fear whenever he's with his friend group. He is usually the peacemaker in his friend group while also being the one who'd stand far away and watch as his friends do something completely idiotic

- Accounting

- Had premature graying
- Likes to grow his own weed
- Chose his major using a wheel
- Almost never sober
- Stole his frog hat from a kid he saw in the playground at 3pm
- Works at every single fast food joints imaginable
- Owns a rap mike
- Is the only frat member who doesn't like Macey