Ponk King - 23 - Apr18 - 5'9 - M
Ponk is one of the less rebellious members of the fraternity, often leaving parties at a very early hour and spending more time focusing on his major than actually participating in any of the parties. He is always the rational thinker of his friend group and points out as many possibilities as possible to avoid any kind of misunderstandings.
He hates the idea of spreading rumors, but usually just stay neutral and keep to himself instead. And despite his usually calm and serious nature to the people around him, he likes to tease and makes fun of his friends about basically anything that they do or like. He knows most of the people in college, but rather hang out with Dylan and George more. And when there's no one to hang out with, he'd be in his own bubble playing board games and creating mini origamis
Is also the type to stand far away and watch his friends fight each others over a slice of pizza.
- Social studies
- Knew Dream when they were in middle school
- Loves designing sneakers and scrapbooking
- Had spray painted with Nick a lot during his highschool years
- The designated driver
- Takes care of the fraternity with Macey
- Has a spray bottle with him everytime he goes out (No one knows what he does with it or why)
- Owns two house cats that he calls assholes because they scratch him too much
- Can't tell if Nick is joking most of the time